The 2025 BVAC Classic at Thirlestane, the biggest and we like to think the best Classic Car Show in Scotland takes place on Sunday 8th June.  The theme this year is ‘The American Dream’ so while as usual we extend a warm welcome to the widest possible range of vehicles, there will be a special emphasis on Americana.  We’ll mark the 60th anniversary of the launch of the Ford Mustang and make a special feature of all American cars from the Model T to modern Muscle Cars.  Owners are encouraged to dress to complement their vehicles!



SATURDAY 7th June:

There is no public admission on Saturday, but entrants are invited to take part in a Scenic Run in the beautiful Borders countryside.

SUNDAY 8th June:

Your cars are the stars when the show opens to the public at 11am. Entrants are asked to be in place by 10.30am and not leave before 4pm. Vehicles built before 31st December 1999 can be entered in the concours competition in classes 1-10, while classes 11-15 do not have age limits. Class 16 is a non-competitive class open only to current BVAC Members with the aim of showing the diversity of members’ cars.

There is an entry fee of £10 per vehicle, including show admission for the driver and all passengers. Current BVAC members get free entry.

The closing date for entries is April 21st.

All display vehicles must remain in place for the whole period of public admission.


As usual there is space for entrants to camp on Fridays, Saturday and Sunday nights. Facilities are limited to a water standpipe and portable toilets. The charge is £5 per night for a tent or £10 per night for a campervan or caravan. This year we are asking people to book campsite places in advance and camping passes will be issued along with your show entry pass about two weeks before the show.


Your Vehicle


The following awards will also be made on the day:
- THE DAVID TRUEMAN TROPHY for the Best Amateur Restoration by a BVAC Member
- THE LONG-HAUL AWARD for the entry driven furthest to the Event
- THE JOHN WHITE TROPHY for the Best Sports Car
- THE B.V.A.C. MEMBER'S TROPHY for the best vehicle owned by a BVAC Member
- THE CHAIRMAN’S CUP for Services to BVAC
- THE CAPTAIN’S CUP - the “Spirit of the Rally” award
Apart from the David Trueman Trophy, you do not need to register in advance for these awards.
A photo record of the restoration is recommended for show day
Separate instructions for the run will be issued nearer the time.


Please select your camping requirements for the BVAC Classic Weekend below. Chose your camping type first and then you will be able to select which nights you need a camping permit for.


Please complete all sections:
BVAC wishes to conduct the show in a pleasant atmosphere - a day amongst friends - and any instance of threatening behaviour or abuse towards our volunteer marshals will result in expulsion from the show and exclusion from future BVAC events.
If you choose not to receive them, we will be unable to advise you of future runnings of the event.
BVAC Ltd reserves the right to decline any application, without explanation or appeal.