BVAA Kelso

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21 May 2023 (No Entry Fee)

Club Stand Entries NOW OPEN

This is always a popular show held at the Border Events Centre (BEC) in Springwood Park , Kelso.

NOTE: Closing date for entries to the club stand is Wednesday 26th April 2023. After the closing date for entries a BVAC club entry will be submitted to the BVAA by D Fortune and further information issued to club members participating in the show will be issued at the beginning of May.

Always on display are a multitude of vintage and classic agricultural tractors and other machinery along with commercial vehicles and also several car clubs putting on displays of vintage and classic cars.

There is generally a parade of most vehicles in the parade ring throughout the day and the event is well catered for with facilities, trade stands and food outlets.

Entry is free for display vehicles and includes the driver and one passenger.

Additional passengers and general entry to the show will be at the published price (previously £6 per person).

As previous years the BVAC will be putting on a club stand and members wanting to participate should complete the entry form attached to this event.

This Entry Form is for BVAC MEMBERS ONLY attending the BVAA Kelso

How to use this form:
Please complete the form below and then click on submit at the bottom to send in your entry.

Show Stand Co-ordinator:
Dennis Fortune
146 Roxburgh Street

Your Details

NB: All vehicles driven in the event must be roadworthy with valid insurance, road tax and, where appropriate, MOT.
Please enter your BVAC Membership Number :

Your Vehicle


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