BVAC Annual General Meeting

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The Annual General Meeting of the Borders Vintage Automobile Club Ltd; will take place on Tuesday 16th November 2021 in The Church Hall, High Street, Earlston. TD4 6HG at 7:30pm.

Agendas and Club Accounts will be available at the meeting. As well as reports on the Club’s activities during the past year and the election of Officers and Committee, there will be an opportunity to hear about and discuss matters such as the Programme of Meetings and Events for the coming year, the major 50th Anniversary of the Club event at Thirlestane in June and the new Club website.

Nominations for office bearers and Committee members should be sent, duly seconded, to or by post to Mr. K. Wilson, 7 Hopeknowe, Earlston. TD4 6 HA to arrive not later than Friday 12th November.

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