BVAC Club Garage Night at Lloyd Land Rover, Kelso.

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Lloyd Land Rover, Kelso showrooms.

Club members may like to join us at a specially arranged evening at this major Land Rover dealership. The evening will include a ‘Welcome’ and a brief introduction about Lloyd and the Land Rover brand in the Scottish Borders. A video presentation will showcase vehicle capabilities and there will be opportunities to inspect the showroom. A garage tour will look at their departments including workshop facilities, including vehicles on ramps, when there will be technical expertise on hand for discussion.
Questions will be welcomed.

Our hosts would like us to be reasonably accurate about numbers attending so if you would like to join in this activity please email me at

Should it be required, you must be willing to supply personal information for COVID track and trace on the night.

Please note this is a BVAC Club Members only event.

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