The Club was very sorry to receive the news that our club member Charles Ramsay passed away on 31st December 2017. Known to his Regiment as “General Ramsay” he had an enthusiasm for sports cars, including his first, a second-hand MG with an Edinburgh number plate that he found in London, later a series of Jaguars and in the 70’s the dark blue Ferrari 365GT2+2. This is the car that members will remember Charles driving at events and at Mellerstain and Thirlestane. Charles and his wife Mary kindly entertained The Club at their house at Bughtrig on a couple of occasions.

General Ramsay was the younger son of Admiral Sir Bertram Home Ramsay, the officer who masterminded the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940 and commanded Allied naval forces on D-Day (June 6th, 1944).

For his military services he was appointed OBE in 1979 and he was made CB in 1989. Besides fast cars his horses were a lifelong passion, he played polo and hunted mainly with the Berwickshire and Buccleuch.

Charles lived life to the full and I recommend the obituaries in The Scotsman and The Daily Telegraph for a full account of his career and eventful life. I attended the memorial service in a standing room only St Andrew’s Church, Kelso and our President Capt The Hon Gerald Maitland Carew gave an address. The service was also attended by HRH The Duke of Kent KG.