Fred Magill, former BVAC Chairman

How long have you been involved with the BVAC and what is your role within the organisation? 

I have been involved with the BVAC for about twenty years and I used to go to the annual show at Mellerstain with my Jaguar 420 from Northumberland. It was a very nice situation but frankly I believe that Thirlestane Castle offers the club a wonderful backdrop for our annual Festival of Motoring. I have served as Chairman and my responsibility is now Sponsorship.

When did your love of cars originate and why?

My fascination with motor cars began when I was about three years old. My father was a dentist and magazines from the waiting room included The Illustrated London News. What a wonderful place for a young man with a pair of scissors and a scrap book to cut out all those magnificent pictures of cars from the fifties.

What was the first car that you ever owned?  

My first motor car was a Standard Vanguard phase two, 1953. A great car which I spent a lot of time taking apart and putting back together again. It did have a tendency to roll a lot!

What is the favourite car that you have ever owned and why?

My favourite car was my Volvo T5 saloon which just looked like an old Volvo but was in fact a wolf in sheep’s clothing. My work car for many years and when I retired, I sold it to a Rolls Royce Engineer from Derby who was desperate to get his hands on one.

What is the best road trip that you have ever taken and why? 

My best road trip was in a 200 Rand Morris 1100 From Joburg to Salisbury Rhodesia, Bulawayo via Victoria Falls the Kariba Dam, Salisbury Umtali, Fort Victoria and back to Joburg. The fellow I bought the car from asked where I had been and was rather surprised saying that it was just his wife’s shopping car.

What vintage car or classic car do you currently own? 

According to my wife I currently own many cars but the official answer is a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow Mk 1.

What modern car do you currently drive? 

The most up to date car in the paddock is a Saab 9-5 automatic Estate which is a wonderful piece of machinery.

Have you ever owned a Mini and if so what Mk and year was it? 

I have only ever owned and still do own my Shorty Mini which was a Mini City. It is shorter – the back seat is now the front seat! It does not have any doors (a bit like a wartime Jeep).

I also have a half Mini trailer which my friend, Peter Robertson, helped me turn into a mobile BBQ. It advertises our show and always gets a lot of attention which is of course the general idea. Children love it.

Do you have a secret or surprising skill and what is it?  

With regard to hidden talents am still searching for them.

What car would you love to own or drive?

Cars which I would love to own or drive, I am very happy with the current collection.

Italian Job or Bourne Identity – which do you like the best? 

I do like the original Italian Job but I found the new edition to be pretty good too. That cannot always be said for film remakes. I have to admit that I have never seen the Bourne Identity.