Recreating a Piece of Scottish Motoring History

The gentlemen at Dalbeattie Men’s Shed have acquired an engine, gearbox and radiator badge from a Skeoch cyclecar along with a set of drawings and have started a project to acquire or build the missing bits like chassis, body, wheels – you know, nothing major!

What’s a Skeoch, you might ask? James Skeoch set up a business in Dalbeattie to build light cars in the years after the first world war and in 1921 managed to produce ten or a dozen examples before a fire in the works put an end to the business.

It used a Precision engine which was also fitted to motorcycles and other light cars back in the day.

There’s a lot more information about the Skeoch car on the Dalbeattie Museum website  and specifically about the project.

I’m sure we all wish the men of Dalbeattie all the best with their project and would love to see it at Thirlestane in a year or two’s time. Meanwhile, should anyone have any information or parts which might help, please get in touch.